EbSynth Studio 1.0: Optimized for Studio Pipelines

December 21, 2022
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Creatives mentioned in the article
Secret Weapons
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Ebsynth is a revolutionary tool that allows animators to create stylized animation with ease. With Ebsynth, you no longer have to work on each individual frame, giving you more time to focus on the creative aspects of your projects. You can read all about it and find tutorials in the previous article that we wrote.

And now, Secret Weapons is releasing EbSynth Studio 1.0, a version optimized for studio pipelines. This new version runs in the command line and is capable of easy batch processing, making it a valuable asset for busy studios. It is compatible with both Linux and Windows operating systems.

If you're interested in trying out EbSynth Studio 1.0, don't hesitate to reach out to the team at Secret Weapons. Simply DM or email them at team@scrtwpns.com to express your interest and find out more information.

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